December 2022 MERF News: MERF’s International Council 2022


December 2022
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"Faithful, Fruitful and Cost-Effective Indigenous Missions!"

MERF’s International Council 2022

MERF's IC 2022 participants
MERF's IC 2022 participants

How good and pleasant it is when the Lord’s people meet together, united in the work of the Gospel. All who attended this year’s IC at the John Calvin Centre in Larnaca joined with one heart in praising God. Praising him for past benefits, His forgiveness of our sins, healing and hope and for the assurance of his steadfast love (Psalm 103:1-5). For many it was a time of renewal. Renewal of in-person fellowship and reinvigorating the vision for MERF’s mission.

Ministry reports were of both harvest fields and battlefields; telling of blessings and conflicts. The international MERF support bodies provide the supply line of prayers and provisions. The front-line field workers seek to steadily advance the kingdom by gospel proclamation amid hardships. Like war correspondents reporting, representatives could tell of the victories of the Lamb and human weakness.

Support Committees

In various countries, MERF support committees raise awareness of MERF’s field operations. Zoom deputation meetings had been a blessing during COVID. Now, the opening up of face-to-face meetings is renewing contact with old friends and making new ones. We heard both of veterans retiring after many years of faithful service and of fresh committee members. There are still openings for a younger generation to get behind this marvelous work.

Harvest Fields

Indonesia - Pastor Armin Sukri reported that on the island of Sulawesi MERF ministries are “active and growing.” The team is receiving lots of invitations to visit and minister across the island. Library reading rooms have been opened where school children can come to do homework and learn from the Bible. Muslim children who make use of these feel welcomed and blessed. In August, thirty people attended evangelism training – the Lord is sending laborers into His harvest field.

From Java island, Pastor Jonson in Malang, is also reaching out to the 99% Muslims in the island of Madura, known as a base for radical Muslims. He is building friendships, a platform for gospel witness. Also on Java, Tommy and Elisa, in Jakarta, are extending the reach of internet gospel programs to Sumatra, Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, and Papua. Other gospel bridges: 150 radios were distributed to listener communities prepared for pastoral visitation. In addition, Bibles have been distributed and small Christian schools in remote areas supported.

Ethiopia – MERF’s team in Ethiopia reported that demand for literature and ministry training was continually growing. New converts are hungry for the truth and starved Christians too are wanting to learn more and grow. On our recent visit, each Sunday we witnessed people expressing the desire to belong to Christ. Also, Ethiopian churches are challenged to be courageously and faithfully sharing the gospel with their Muslim neighbours.

Egypt – It was encouraging to hear an update on the Minya project, a church planting work begun with MERF support a few years ago. A congregation of around 200 has been established and started its own church-planting work in a new area.

North Africa – Through the Lord’s help, different media is used to bring the gospel in the native language. Many people are interested in knowing and following Christ. In fact, whole families are coming to faith and being followed up. The energy, courage, and faithfulness of the team there is impressive.

Arabic Media Harvest – Varied programs and materials on three different websites reach Arabic speakers all over the world. The greatest number come from countries within the Middle East and Gulf States. The gospel content is changing lives, and many respond by saying how their lives are being transformed by understanding Christ Jesus’s perfect life, heavenly teaching and saving work.

MERF children ministry in Sulawesi Indonesia
MERF children ministry in Sulawesi Indonesia

Spiritual Battlefield

It is no surprise to any Christian that the Lord’s harvest fields are also his battlefields. While the victory is his, along the way there are casualties and wounded souls. We heard of churches and villages burned in Pakistan, of 12 churches burnt in Ethiopia, of many hostile responses to the Arabic Media work as well as positive ones, of opposition to a young church and pastor in Lebanon and of the extreme caution required of believers in some countries for their own safety.

While some field workers were buoyant in their reports, others may have sounded a little tired and battle weary. We should remember that the enemy of our souls would aim at bringing down each faithful servant of Christ and his gospel work. As Jesus prayed for Peter’s faith and witness to survive Satan’s antagonism, we need to pray for the Lord’s servants to withstand Satan’s attacks -- praying for their holiness, their marriages and family lives, their health and their witness, as well as for our own.

MERF Arabic Library mobile phone app
MERF Arabic Library mobile phone app

Field workers

MERF’s teams are completely made up of indigenous people; some are courageous believers of Muslim background. This is so helpful since they know the culture, the questions and barriers to a Muslim’s embracing the Christian faith. We can thank God, not only for these team members, but also for giving them highly honed skills in media work, which they are using to reach their fellow citizens.

In God’s providence, with migration around the world, Muslim neighbours whom we can befriend with the love of Christ are not far from most places. Let us take the time to meet, greet and prayerfully listen to them and gradually understand their way of thinking to effectively share the gospel of God’s grace in Christ. MERF is committed to encouraging and supporting these gospel efforts with native language materials, advice and prayer. We praise God for what is past and trust Him for all that’s to come.

“Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and all that is within me,
bless his holy name!”

- Psalm 103:1

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"Declaring the Whole Counsel of God"

Middle East Reformed Fellowship
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Rev. Victor Atallah, General Director

This document is printed from’s-International-Council-2022
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